Here are 2 short movies about Voice Hearing, we hope you like it!
Movie 1: A funny informative annimation. This movie has a lot of intersting information about voice hearing that you might not knew before.
Note that the brain images in this annimation are not correct.
Tthe correct ones are posted below on this blog.
Movie 2: An artist impression of the life of Robin Timmers. Robin is a voice heare who managed to overcome his psychosis and psychiatrical treatment and who is now a bachelor psychologist and expert by experience.
These movies are made in 2011 by:
Lonneke den Breijen, Charlotte Daniƫls and Robin Timmers from the Netherlands), Suvi Tiihonen (from Finland) & Maria Veske (from Norway) and Robin Timmers as part of a minor the CMV education at HAN in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Music is by Robin and his friends Derrick Rake and the Popsicles and Tommy Verleg.
The correct brain images for the animation
Brain activity during voice hearing: A literature review of brain imaging studies
These images are based on a literature review in Dutch I did in 2011 for my bachelorthesis. It´s based on 21 brain imaging studies from 1982 to 2011. These are the area´s that are most inconsistently activated in the brains of 128 persons during voice hearing.
Brainactivity during voice hearing: A review of Functional Brain Imaging Studies. Robin Timmers (2011) Bachelorthesis in Dutch. Radboud University Nijmegen. Approved by Ton Dijkstra & Iris Sommer.

Hearing voices in the brain:
Area's dedicated to hearing become activated during voice hearing. There are different area's in the temporal lobe (mostly the upper part) that are dedicated to hearing. These area's become activated during hearing voices. This can be seen as evidence that voice hearers actually hear something.
Language area's which are normally located left, become active right during voice hearing. Normally the language area's of Broca and Wernicke are most often located to the left side of the brain. Broca's area is dedicated to language production (speaking and writing) and Wernicke's area to language perception (speech comprehenision and reading). The left hemisfere corresponds with the right side of the body which right handed peopleuse to write.This the more rational, verbal hemisfere over which we have more control. Interstingly these area's on the right side of the brain often become activated during voice hearing. This might explain the sense that voices are not coming from the person itself, since normally speech is processed on the left side. Also the right side is normally less under conscious control then the left side. This may explain that voice hearers often don't see, to be able to control the voices.
An area dedicated to evaluating the current situation becomes active during voice hearing. On the left medial surface of the brain there is an area that evaluate and judges the current situation. That this area becomes activated on the left side of the brain during voice hearing, this might be related to the person trying to understand what is going on with the voices: Who and what are they? Where do they come from? What do they want? What is their relation to the person and the situation the person is in?
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